Wednesday 31 August 2016


I keep wondering and I have always wanted to know why
some people are more knowledgeable than other people.
The fact is that in our society today, we have those who are knowledgeable and ignorant.
But what distinguishes this set of people is INFORMATION.
Because if you are not informed you will be deformed. 
Also Read:

Deformation brings about depreciation in the mind, thought and every capacity of a person.
1. Information
You can never give what you don't have. How informed you are determines how you perform.
Lack of information which is also known as ignorance is one of the major problem we have in our locality.
Many have rejected knowledge despite that with the help of technology and modern facilities information is being brought to our (close) reach.
Never allow regret which will be caused by ignorance be an aspect of your life in the future.
Certain knowledge might be costly but its vital to have them.
How to access knowledge-
a. Spend time with purposeful people.
b. Curiosity; be eager to know more about things you are not sure of.
c. Visiting standard libraries and buying books.
d. studying books that concerns your profession.
e. Visiting websites like
f. Researching to know more about what you were taught.
Remember the difference between knowledge and ignorance is information that is why its vital for you to be informed.

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