Ignorance is one of the greatest enemy to
Success- Johnson miracle
1. No pain, no gain.
2. Life was never meant to be easy.
3. What ever you think must happen I.e if you think you will fail, then you will fail.
4. Every of your challenge is there to kick you forward because when you kick a frog you make it to move forward.
5. Life proved equality to me with time. President Obama has 24 hours in a day and I also have the same.
6. Never postpone what you can do today to the next day because no one knows tomorrow.
7. You have no reason to be a failure.
8. Life has made me know that I have all it takes to succeed(be the best I can ever be)
9.foolish people pay back, strong people forgive but wise people ignore.
10. Life has taught me that one of the way to make good use of each moment is by not being idol.
11. Life encourages patients but it is important you do something at the mean time while you wait.
12. Life has given me enough reasons to be better than my father.
13. Life has taught me to get better each day.
14. A failure is not someone who tried and failed but someone who does not want to try.
15. Go hungry instead of loosing your Integrity.
16. It's better to be alone, than being with people who will add no meaning to your life.
17. No pain last for ever; imagine when you were still a kid and how you have grown now. That's how other aspect of your life is.
18. Life has taught me the important of peace-because(even) evil plans don't go well in absence of Peace.
19. Life has shown me the real me. A mad man walks around the city aimlessly with no reason or purpose but a real man works with an aim. Can you do something without a reason?
20. People around you(most especially friends) have a better chance of moulding your life.
21. To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you.
What have life taught you? for me it has taught me more that what you saw in this article.
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Always visit WWW.teensaflame.blogspot.com at least once per day.
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