Why should I be Excellent?
In the world today, people will rate you based on what you have been able to achieve in the few years you have stayed on earth.
In the world today, people will rate you based on what you have been able to achieve in the few years you have stayed on earth.
You should be Excellent because, you are the best that have ever existed and you creator made you in an excellent way. Here are some facts about excellent;
1. Excellent is not what you say; Excellent is not measured by what you tell people because you can lie to people.
2. Excellent is what people see by the nature of the result you produce.
3. Excellence is what people say about your practice I.e mode of conduct and attitude.
4. Excellent does not seek for position rather a mission and God will put you in a position to accomplish your mission.
5. Where you are today is as a result of the decision you made few years ago. Excellence will help you make decisions that will not draw your life backward.
6. Excellent is not perfection.
7. Excellence is possible -and you can be it. Because people were, are and will be excellent. You are one of them.
8. Excellence has nothing to do with competition.
9. Excellent does not mean you will not make mistake.
10. Excellent is not trying to be the best.
11. Excellent is being the best of yourself I.e being the best you can ever be.
12. Excellence which has to do with your best, may in turn be the best and a standard for others to follow.
13. You don't try to be excellent rather believe you are excellent and you will be excellent when you work towards being excellent.
14. Wisdom is the pathway to excellent.
15. God cannot create someone that cannot be excellent.
Are you Excellent?
Are you Excellent?
Powerful facts about excellent try to make them reflect in your life and you can never remain the same. WWw.teensaflame.blogspot.com