Wednesday, 24 January 2018


The vitality of this, is to maintain a good health state that is disease free.
 1. Avoid infectious disease
 Avoid close physical contact with any who have a cold or catarrh. Their saliva and nasal secretions can pass the illness to you. Blood_borne diseases like HIV/AIDD are transmitted primarily through sexual contact and blood transfusion. Vaccination can
help to prevent some infections, but a wise person must still take necessary precautions when with someone who has an infectious disease. Avoid insect bites. Do not sit or sleep outdoors unprotected when mosquitoes or other disease_carrying insects are active. Use bed nets especially for children, and use insect repellents.

2. Avoid injuring yourself 
Avoid excessive sun exposure, which causes cancer and premature aging of the skin.  If you smoke, stop. Quitting now will lower your risk of disease, lung cancer, and stroke.

3. Keep yourself clean 
Hand washing is the single most important thing that you can do to help prevent the spread of infection and to stay healthy and well. Since about 80% of infection are said to be passed on by unclean hands.  So wash your hands throughout the day.  Do so especially before eating, preparing food, or even touching a wound, and do so after touching an animal or using the toilet
   Bathing everyday and keeping your clothes and bed linens fresh and clean also contribute to better health.

4. Keep your home clean
Make what ever extra effort needed to keep your home tidy and clean, inside and out. Eliminate any place where water can collect and mosquitoes can breed. Litter, filth, and uncovered food and garbage attract insects and vermin,  all of which can bring in microbes and cause disease.
Join us next time @ for more vital information.

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