Wednesday, 1 June 2016



 Yes you failed and you are discouraged of trying again, you are weak, tired and dismayed but in all you know what, there is nothing wrong in failing. As simple as that sometimes you succeed, sometime you fail.

Failures are usually associated with excuses and the world is not ready to hear about your excuse as they are only ready to hear you have succeeded. In many cases failures don’t cause their downfall although sometimes they do.

Why some people fail:

-         Inadequate Preparation:
Life is too serious to play with, this life was also never meant to be easy that is why for you to succeed you need to prepare adequately. If you are not prepared for success or any opportunity you can never actualize it. In preparation if you don’t take each of your step serious you won’t posses the possession you are aiming at. In preparation for success you study.

-         Study:
In the world today, men who has understanding has made it easy for everyone to study. You can read manually or electronically by reading E-books or making researches with phones that have access to internet. The things you need to know for you to succeed is always available you can access it at anytime you want. Young people have rejected to study rather we prefer pleasure and that’s why many of us think life is all about fun and fantasies and at the end we may end up failing and when we fail we will have ourselves to blame.

-         Maintain a name:
Your name has to do with the legacy you kept before you failed. Are you honest, can people trust you? Your name is very imperative for your success; in your absence what can people say about you. What are you known for, what impact have you made in this generation. Of what benefit are you to your world. if you have none of this qualities, then how do you think you can succeed?
-         Be Strong:
Being strong is not muscular strength but this has to do with knowledgeable strength and smartness. What you know will work, try it don’t wait for another person to start before you start. Be strong, stand up and defend yourself and set for success, encourage yourself; the best encouragement is from the inside because when you weaken yourself from the inside you are liable and more prone to failure.  

-         Work on yourself:
Before you embark on any journey that has to do with success you need to sit down and calculate. You know your weakness find a way to counter them and turn them to strength.
In working on yourself, packaging is very important. As packaging makes a product look more supreme than the other, it is also how packaging makes one outstanding.

-         Don’t be easily distracted:
Set out your plans and strictly follow them, don’t listen to those who will discourage you or those who will want you to have fun and merriment with them. Your aims are this, then just look at this, don’t let what you will see around you to stop you from achieving this. Many purposeful young people are easily distracted and this is why we are stagnant. Distraction is the major factor that can bring stagnation in a person’s life.

-         Have passion for things that will facilitate you:
Some people are so passionate for things that add no meaning to their life. Things like: watching home video, sleeping, having fun, having time with the opposite gender and people who will devalue their life. Before you take any step ask yourself how will this things I want to do benefit me?, what difference will it create in my life for good?.
Try to limit your relationship with the opposite gender if you know you are not yet ready for dating and also limit your association with friends and people who will not add any positive meaning to your life.

-         Evaluate:
Maybe you have tried and failed but remember in your field some challenges you have are reoccurring i.e. they keep coming again and again. The responsibility is left for you to consider your victories and loose in your previous challenges and with them you can know how to overcome your recent challenges.

E.g. what kind of people did I associate with and how is my life ever since I met them. where and how did I spend most of my time?¸ what did I not achieve and what am I suppose to achieve?. Read-just yourself and continue so you can achieve.
-         Learn from your failures:
When you fail don’t only count on discouragement but also count of the new knowledge you have which you got through experience. And always learn every time of your life. Learn from what happened to others. seek to know more and ask question of the things you don’t know.

-         Start:
How to start is just starting. Start all over again if you have tried before and failed. Even if you are afraid of starting its just common please start all creatures are always afraid.
I heard a story of a hunter who meet a leopard when the leopard saw him it ran away, although he was also afraid of the leopard. Your fears also afraid of you don’t be afraid of it. Start all over and work hard because hard work prevails success. “A year (month) from now you will wish you had started today”

-         Attitude towards failure:
When you fail, a sudden troop of anger comes on you but don’t let people around you to feel your anger whenever you fail. You can go through the pain within yourself, know this, failure is not something that should make you angry but something that should encourage you.


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