Wednesday, 18 May 2016


Almost every day you keep going to school and almost every night you are either occupied with assignment or studying. But this can be challenging to you; before we go forward think about those subject you find difficult.

Maybe these subjects you find difficult, your parents and teachers have urge you to put more effort. They are not trying to make your life stressful but they understand how important your education is better that you do, even if your parents are illiterates.

1.    Have a healthy mindset
Education is not hard, but it is difficult to us because we think its hard. This kind of mindset have affected our view towards learning.

Education in a variety of subjects will enrich your understanding and will improve your thinking ability in turn help you to adapt in our society that is composed of different people.

2.    Believe you can do better
Right in you, there are good qualities and those good qualities are the best of yours. But as it stands now, your best have not manifested, that is why you need to be educated.  

You are knowledgeable; there are many things about you that is unique. Despite your weakness, you can still do better and that’s why you should know your strength and weakness.

3.    Study
One thing about school is that if you want to succeed, there is no shortcut i.e. you must go through the due process. Cheating can lead to lack of trust and poor academic growth. 

If you start studying today, you might find but as time goes on you will find it enjoyable.

For you to study effectively, you must organize your time; study first before playing or having fun, make study a priority because education is the highest investment you can ever have.

4.    Always give your undivided attention
Always play attention when lectures are going on. It has been proven that 60% of the things you know are the things you heard and 40% are the things you read.

For you to make learning easy always pay attention.

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