Monday, 26 February 2018

Interview with Sunny Messiah “On vitality of creativity”.

Johnson Miracle: Mr Sunny Messiah welcome to this program.

Sunny Messiah: thank you.

Johnson Miracle: Sir, why are people always copying instead of being creative?
Sunny Messiah: Creativity or originality is not a
lazy man’s job. And people are always looking for the easy way out.
Photocopy of any school certificate would cost 20 naira at most but not the original copy. Originality cost sweat and time.

Johnson Miracle: Nodding, so what does it require to be creative?


Sunny Messiah: Diligence and discipline. Creativity sometimes does not always require that we reinvent the wheel. I guess that is what scares people away.

Johnson Miracle: So what does creativity call for?

Sunny Messiah: sometimes, what you need to do is to innovate. Improve on what is already existing.

Johnson Miracle: okay,  Sir what is the distinction between innovation and invention?

Sunny Messiah: Invention is like building something from the scratch. Innovation is touching up what has been built. It is more like repackaging. TV was invented Plasma/flat screen TV is an innovation of the invention.

Johnson Miracle: This is a revelation. So which one is more challenging?

Sunny Messiah: They all have their share of challenges. They all require time, diligence and unwavering commitment. The problem is that some persons don’t feel that they can do a good job of being original so they resort to faithfully pilfering other people’s original work.
There can be an “invention” that would be easier than the resultant “innovation” and vice versa. Based on your project. So you need to be open to ideas.

Johnson Miracle: Okay Sir, does different profession require different level of creativity?

Sunny Messiah: Yes, make your mind a fertile soil for ideas to germinate (on it). I need to state clearly they you can be very creative and still fail if you are not daring.

Johnson Miracle: Why?

Sunny Messiah: what you know, would not matter if you don’t do anything diligently and consistently with what you know.

Johnson Miracle: Exactly! And this is our problem. We know too much but we don’t do too much.

Sunny Messiah: Reading (which expands your creativity) only expands your mind but action expands your life.

Johnson Miracle: nodding

Sunny Messiah: Talent, originality and creativity is not enough. Hardwork always beat talent. The most celebrated people are not the most creative.

Johnson Miracle: Then what are we to do?
Sunny Messiah: relentlessly trying over and over again. “with never say die spirit”. Keeping failing and learning up until you succeed.
First desire originality I.e make a commitment to stay authentic.
Secondly, seek advice from people who are already doing what you admire.
Thirdly, get a mentor or coach to guide you.
Johnson Miracle: what can you say creativity has done to your career and life as an individual?

Sunny Messiah: it pays by bills. As a comedian, I perform on stage with my personal comic story and I get paid.

Johnson Miracle: what’s the joy? (of creativity)

Sunny Messiah: creating something out of nothing and getting paid, for me,  it gives invaluable joy.
As an architect, designing a house you didn’t see anywhere but only visualize makes one happy.
And it’s vital you diligently continue to work on yourself and appreciate yourself for each improvement by knowing that you are no longer where you used to be.

Johnson Miracle: Sir, at this juncture, what is your advice to young people.

Sunny Messiah: Nothing good comes easy only means that when you persevere and consistently work on your dream with originality mindset you will certainly overcome.
Originality like original school certificate takes effort and resources but photocopy is ten naira.

Johnson Miracle: Thank you Sir
For making time in your tight schedule for this interview. I really do appreciate.

About Sunny Messiah.
Sunday Onyemachi who is popularly known by his stage name sunny Messiah is a comedian, architect and writer. He is an industrious fellow, a coach to young people and the convener of E-show. He has been an encouragement to so many upcoming artist and am sure you meeting him, is a good platform for betterment. You can follow him on facebook  @ Sunday Onyenachiya.

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