Sunday 21 January 2018


*You cannot run with chickens and then soar with eagles*

The fact is that you can't live on earth without associating with people. And any height we aspire to attain in life is directly dependent on the
relationship we build (as young people). Virtually everyone concurs to this popular saying "show me your friend and I will tell you who you are" because no one can run with chickens and then soar like eagles. Relationship is pivotal -it is one of the factors that will take us to our desired destination and that is why the vitality of minding our relationship with people shouldn't be over emphasized.

1. Relationship of Establishment
The truth is that we are virtually the kind of people we associate with. And that is why people always associate us with the kind of company we keep. The vitality of this is that we live up to standard. You can agree with me that most of the mistakes you made and success you gained was or is as a result of the relationship you kept. Now, from this point, imagine where you want to be in the next two years and ask yourself this question "Can the people I have in my life now, help me to get to the destination I deserve.

2. Relationship of Consideration

One thing about life is that change and uncertainty is certainly certain. Most of the people that have supported you were the people you least expected support from.
A family was once attacked in the late hours of the night. When the armed gang came into the sitting room their leader saw on the wall, and started crying. When this family was testifying, they said and I quote "The person in this frame once helped me, I can't afford to harm his children let's leave ". I am not saying that you will be attacked. Who knows tomorrow? ........
You don't just know who will help you in time of need tomorrow, so relate with people considering them.

3. Relationship of Rebels
The rate at which we now have rebels in families is rapidly increasing. Do you know that cultist, prostitute, armed robbers etc came from a family and most of them, are from responsible and Christian families. But as a result of the they kept with an irresponsible friend at a point in their lives, made them derail.

Relationship is influencing and that is why we shouldn't show interest in things that will do our lives no good but harm.
I will like to leave you with this question 'do you have the right people in your life?

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