Yes, Jesus came for
the sinners not for the just or righteous. He is more interested in you. Fear not,
come as you are, irrespective of your ugly state of life or how challenging your
state is right now, come on it makes no difference. Know that thousand are out
there whom your condition is much better than theirs but they accepted Christ
Jesus in their life as their personal Lord and Saviour, He turned from sinners
to saints.
The Bible says; “if the wicked will turn from all his sins
that he has committed and keep all my statues and do that which is lawful and
right he shall surely live, he shall not die, all his transgressions that he
had committed shall not be remembered against him, in his righteousness that he
had done he shall live, have i any pleasure at all that the wicked should die? Says
the Lord God and not He should turn from his ways and live,
Ezekiel 18:21-23. Most people that
Jesus turned from their evil ways of life to saints were persecutors, murderers,
drunkards, thieves, harlots, fraudsters and others.
Remember you are
coming to God not to a pastor or any person because with man nothing is
possible but with God all things are possible even to them that believed, Matthew 19:26. Mark 9:23, fear not the Bible says, if any man be in Christ he is a
new creation old things are passed away behold all things are becoming new. 2 Corinthians 5:17 then what are you
still waiting for?
Friend, He promised
to make you a new person please understand that He who promised is very
faithful only if you can boldly take a step of faith by accepting this golden
truth from a compassionate father. Roman 9:18 says, I will have mercy on whom I
will have mercy, and have compassion on whom I will have compassion. Please
draw near to Him now, He will not cast you rather it is your time and turn to
receive God’s compassion, don’t allow this great opportunity to elude you
because tomorrow may be late.
Beloved don’t allow
you past life hinder you from coming unto him. Come with a broken and a
contrite heart, he will not despise you for that is the only sacrifice the
Almighty needs from sinners to turn them unto saints.
Remember you are of
God, not of the devil. You are made in the likeness and image of God, but why
are you allowing the devil to use you against the word of God? How long do you
wish to continue in the evil factors of circumstances of pains, sorrows and
regrets? Please come, His door is open, He is willing to receive you back to
himself. According to the parable of the prodigal son in (Like 15:1) the Bible
says, that when he came to his senses, he remembered that he had a father, he
made up his mind to go back to him because he did not like the condition he
found himself in, then he arose and returned home with many thoughts in his
heart on how he may be treated because of his disobedience and wayward life but
when he was yet a great way off, his father saw him and had compassion on him
and ran fell on his neck and kissed him, Luke 15:20.
Understand that the
prodigal son was not punished, not reprimanded, not locked out of the gate,
rather the gate was open. The father was overjoyed, not angry. The son was
treated as a son, not as a servant, not even as a wayward or criminal at all,
then so shall it be unto you if you will today return to your creator who is
right now looking on your direction to return.
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