This particular group was different . Very special if you ask me. IT WAS LIKE MAD PEOPLE WERE HAVING A FAMILY MEETING. Messages where just popping up. Largely unrelated messages. There was no topic under discussion. You just greet and you are free to blab or vent. I wanted to exit the group immediately but felt it was only proper to find out why i ended up here. I deserved to know, whatever is taking life out of my battery, chopping my data and burning a whole in my pocket.
So i swung into action and I dug around on my own to find out who was behind the group and what the group was about. Because the group is a namelessly unpopular group, i got nothing. Yes, A VERY BIG NOTHING.
To know more about a product what do you do? Ask the manufacturer right? (Except in this case the "MANUFACTUERER" doesn't know but wants us all to be grateful and giddy with excitement for doing our miserably and chaotically ungrouped lives a favour by adding us to a group.)
Sorry i am preempting myself. Where was i.. Okay. So i go to the group and kindly asked what the group was about. Courtesy(that is polite behaviour, hope he understand the later since it is simpler. Too late. Waste of breath. He will still feel insulted anyway as long as it is English) demands that you state clearly and categorically what your group is about.. One ignoramus opens his clogged gutter and said that some arrogant people will leave the what's app group i stopped myself from dignifying that stupidity with a reply.
And to add more pepper to the already overly peppered Yoruba stew, a lengthy post popped in telling me no matter how many times i exit group that i would certainly be flung back into the group wily nilly except i fulfilled some stupid terms. I had ended up in a sack without hole you would say.
For me purpose is the decider. It is the only thing that can keep me in or out of a group. It is important to state here that, What clearly separates our movement from that of a mad man is purpose. Take that away and you are mad.
Taking a stroll to stretch your legs makes sense. Moving around for fresh inspiration is reasonable. Sightseeing is therapeutic . Bottom line is, it must be purposeful. And don't tell me that sending me over used jokes and pictures or trying to twist my arm to say amen with all those ecclesiastical jargons, is your reason for doing that. Is it?
Well, well, let's assume it is. Guess what it still makes me the WRONGEST recruit.
Except you are title crazy and loves the way WHAT'S APP adds the title GROUP ADMIN next to your name. Hahhahahahahhahahahaha. Thats like Facebook's CEO AT SELF EMPLOYED (UNEMPLOYED IS MORE LIKE IT)
People trying to give me a free ride to where i am not going should please desist from it. Would you board free ride to Abuja when you have interview in Lagos just because it is free. I am not a conductor. Even conductor dey collect money at the end of the day.
One chance. Ritualist. Worse you are a destiny killer. A battery killer. A data consumer. Get a life. WELL IF YOU ARE NOT THEN DO FIRST THINGS FIRST.
About the Author....
Sunday Chimezirim Onyenachiya, also known as Sunny Messiah, is a fast rising comedian, Master of Ceremony, coach, creative writer, journalist, and Chief Executive Officer, Lafftitude eCorporated (Producer of the annual comedy show, I’m Seriously Joking).
Sunday Chimezirim Onyenachiya, also known as Sunny Messiah, is a fast rising comedian, Master of Ceremony, coach, creative writer, journalist, and Chief Executive Officer, Lafftitude eCorporated (Producer of the annual comedy show, I’m Seriously Joking).
He studied architecture from Federal Polytechnic Nekede, Owerri, Imo state.
Sunny Messiah lives in Lagos, Nigeria and loves to read. He is single and seriously searching for money!
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