
Thursday 12 May 2016


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In our school, work place and almost every where in our society, laziness have creep-ed us. we keep asking ourselves "why cant i study at night, why cant i do  what i should do, why cant i do my house activities, why is it that in all my life am too lazy. i don't even know the source or reason of this laziness in me, this is the question the young people are asking.

Many have prayed and many are still praying "God strengthen me,  make me hard working" but we are still lazy, the truth is that it is not God's responsibility to make us hardworking nor the responsibility of our parents or anyone. The things that will make us hard working is inside of us, just that we are ignorant of it. lets find out the causes of this laziness and how to eliminate it.

1. Lack of Purpose and Vision
Many young people thing k life will not change, very soon you will be on you own and also a father or mother. this is the early days of your life so you being lazy now is like cracking the foundation of your life.

Lack of vision and purpose is one of the major problem we the young people have and because of this we think life is all about love and fun, life is more than that, young people take things that are not necessary in their lives more serious than they take things that are vital in their lives and this is the problem in our generation.
Laziness has been given room in the lives of young people because we don't have vision nor purpose that is why you will see young people who will chat throughout the night, play football over four hours, have fun and good time over five hours, watch home videos as they desire but will never study nor take action towards their destinies.

Laziness has held us captive that we don't even study our books let alone studying the bible, that is why our future is prone to crash which God will never allow.

Many young people are purposeless, that is why you see them do things any how not minding the problem it will bring for them. there is no two ways about this, you are too lazy because you don't want to be serious with your life maybe you still think you are too small (still young) or there is still time, no time, you are getting older of you don't know.

and you will keep being lazy just as I was until you stand up to eliminate it by being serious and having a vision so that you will fulfill your purpose. because without purpose life is pointless and meaningless; the first step to eliminate laziness is having a vision.

Just try this, always have something you want to achieve know your purpose and laziness will be far from you.   

2. Indiscipline and lack of self standard 

The life of young people should not go on its own, it should be controlled by them. until you set standard (having things you will do and things not to do) you will keep being lazy.

Look at the life of every lazy person when it comes to play, joke or do things that does not matter you see them active but when it comes to pay the price they wont. As a young person you have no reason to be lazy even if your parents and those ahead of you (siblings) are lazy it does not still qualify you to be lazy. Laziness is not an attribute anyone should be know for.

It is true that at night you are always feeling sleepy, so tired, everyday is always stressful for you, but do you know that there are people who does twice the things you do everyday and after they will still study at night.

Having standard is very important, there are young people who are (completely responsible for their education.) just imagine this if you pay for your school fees every academic section or semester nobody will tell you to study but on your own you will always study because it is not something easy for you. Your presents and guidance are paying your school fees why can’t you discipline yourself and make them proud by not being lazy.

If you really value yourself you must be discipline. All the lazy people you see around have no value for their lives that is why they will sleep all night and be idle all day.

3. Lack of firmness

Firmness simply implies standing on your words i.e. doing the things you have set out to do.

One thing I hate about lazy people is that they are always dull and they are known for wasting time. They are those that are always sleeping, watching movies and chatting. In their lives you can never see any seriousness; such people in turn will become liability and problem to other people.

Firm people don’t procrastinate; they are always strong, alert and dependable. They keep aiming at how to get better. Firm people value themselves and being firm is the best way to eliminate laziness.

4. Idleness:

This is the act of not having anything doing. I don’t imagine young people being idle because there is no reason for them to be idle. There are things you don’t know yet why not study, there are things you need to do you but keep saying I have nothing to do because of how lazy you are you don’t even care that’s why you don’t check out for what to do.

Every young people who aims at making our world better must eliminate laziness either by being purposeful, disciplined, firm. You have no reason to be lazy and always pray because your strength can not do it all.

Please don’t leave without commenting; tell us your benefit and other reason why laziness must be eliminated don’t forget to share this on your social media.    

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