Saturday 11 June 2016


we all can remember years back when we were tender or children we had no concern for “sex”. We played with the opposite gender having nothing in mind. But at a certain point in time a pressure developed, this pressure is you wanting to have a particular opposite gender alone, I mean you want someone who sees you special and someone who is special to you.

But there is nothing really wrong with that, the problem is that as we further the relationship, the urge for sex rises. One of our client said he never thought of sex years back, but at certain point he felt like experiencing it.

The truth is that the urge for sex will be rising but the most vital thing is for you to withstand it by holding your virginity. Let’s know how we can eliminate pre-marital sex;
1. Don’t Watch Pornography:
Pornography is one of the greatest harm internet brought to our generation. Pornographic pictures or videos is the cause of rape, prostitution, masturbation, sexual abuse etc in our society.

Pornographic  pictures has brought about insult, disgrace and shame to many young people because after watching these pictures they will try to experience it and in the quest for that they get themselves into trouble. And one  other thing about this is that it create a bad reputation to a person’s name.

Okay, since you don’t want to have sex, tell me why do you want to watch pornographic videos or pictures? If you are caught watching pornography, it may cause people, even your loved ones to loose trust in you. Don’t watch pornography so that you won’t fall a victim of pre-marital sex.

2.  Beware of (Teenage) Pregnancy:
By this I’m not referring to teenagers alone; As a young girl or lady  if you get pregnant now you are not yet married, you will bring shame to your family and your education will stop if you are still schooling. To shock you, the guy responsible might deny you.

In all you will loose. Do you know that sex is not a prove of love……… if not your dad will ask you for sex and God would have given sex for mankind. But he didn’t because sex is not love. Pre-marital sex is a harm to your destiny, career and future run from it.

3. Defile Devalues
Most often times guys think they are smart, because it is difficult to know if a guy is a virgin or not. But let me shock you, as a guy your success is very important and if you want to succeed positively, you must ensure that you have a good name. Don’t defile any girl because you can’t take the responsibility and in all you will devalue yourself.

If you defile any girl in the future she might use it against you, and you won’t be free   whenever you see or remember her. As a guy your ego is important so don’t  destroy it.

1.Set standard
Have limit for everyone especially the opposite  gender so that you won’t fall a victim of pre-marital sex.

If you really love yourself you will set standard, what you do now can determine your future that is why you should set standard.

1. See every opposite gender as your sibling:
You do love your siblings right? Probably yes, but do you ask the opposite gender among them for sex? No, but if you do, you don’t have understanding.

If you can see every opposite gender as your sibling, you won’t hurt them through sex especially, because you won’t hurt your sibling.

Treat and love the opposite gender as you love your siblings. It will help prevent pre-marital sex in our society. Join us next time as we talk about “VIRGINITY”

1 comment:

  1. This is awesome buddy. Teenagers need to abstain from any form of sexual immorality by being careful about opposite sex relationship. If you cant control yourself, its better you don't have any boyfriend or girlfriend


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